What is the difference between AppHealer and other monitoring tools like Sentry or Zabbix?

Both mentioned applications are powerful and great tools. But as I mentioned - to powerful. Designed as robust applications for monitoring whole infrastructure, including servers, logs, CPU and RAM usage etc. AppHealer, in opposite of them, is mentioned as only pure availability and uptime monitoring tool. If your business is only a few websites or one application and you want to measure availability or/and uptime without any complex and difficult configuration, AppHealer is the right tool for you.

Why is AppHealer available only for download, and not as SaaS?

Because it is opensource. All my work on AppHealer is focused on development. And because a develop AppHealer in my freetime, there is no time and money to manage infrastructure, billing and other issues related to providing applications as SaaS.

Why is AppHealer free and why are you working on it?

Because it's fun. I am long term linux user (almost 16 years), and most of my career as developer, I've been using open source technologies (PHP, Java, Python). So this is my payment back to open source community.

Who are you?

Software developer. Also certified paramedic and icu nurse. In love with energy drinks, cyberpunk and molecular biology.