When monitor check fails, AppHealer can automatically create incident depending on configured conditions.
Incident created in this way can be also automatically closed (when all configured conditions pass).
In current version, AppHealer can send notification about incident (both when automatically created or closed).
create after count of failures
- create incident after series of failed checks in a row
close after count success
- close automatically created incident after series of failed checks in a row.
Keep empty to prevent automatic closing of this type of incident
create when last 10 avg timeout over
- create incident when average timeout of last 10 timeouts takes more than defined value
close when last 10 avg timeout below
- close automatically created incident when average timeout of last 10 timeouts takes less than defined value.
Keep empty to prevent automatic closing of this type of incident.
send notification to
- email address for receiving notifications about automatically created and closed incindents